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Faith. We proclaim Jesus Christ crucified, calling all souls to repent, believe, and enjoy adoption into the family of God by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. 


Hope. We gather in Christ’s name to delight in His presence with us, celebrate our belonging to Him by His covenant of grace, and to exalt Him as our only hope in life and in death.


Love. God’s love transforms sinners and shows the world we belong to Him. We love because He first loved us. As a result, our gatherings are warm, welcoming, & hospitable. 


Spirit. The Holy Spirit in us and with us increasingly conforms us to Christ’s image. The Spirit calls, regenerates, sustains, sanctifies, and will one day glorify all whom Christ redeemed. 


Truth. Our souls delight in union with Jesus Christ, the way, the truth, and the life. We are fed through His ordained means of grace as we read, pray, sing, preach, taste, and see the gospel.


Long-suffering. We labor on in weakness and rejoicing with all of God’s energy within us, to present every member mature in our faithful savior Jesus Christ.


Ambassadors. We pray, send, live and go as ambassadors of King Jesus. We long to see His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven, here and among every people, tribe, and tongue.


To read 10 reasons we are called to plant a church here, follow this link.


As a church plant, we gather under the oversight of our 'sending church,' Calvary Redeeming Grace Church of Lakewood, CO. We thank God for this dear congregation's example, prayers, friendship, care, generosity, and blessing in this glorious endeavor.

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