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Click on the PDF button to view our full Church Constitution and Bylaws.


The purpose of this church shall be: 

2.1 To glorify and enjoy God by providing a place for the corporate worship of God in praise, prayer, and in proclaiming His law and gospel from the sixty-six (66) books of the Holy Bible as God’s complete revelation to man. 

2.2 To glorify and enjoy God by proclaiming the holy triune God of the Bible as the eternal, immutable, infinite, all-powerful, all-present, all-knowing Creator and sovereign LORD; and His Son, Jesus Christ, as the only virgin-born Savior of sinners; and the Holy Spirit as the divine Person of the Godhead who convicts and convinces men of sin, righteousness and judgment. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not three separate Gods, but three persons of the Godhead. There is only one true and living God. 

2.3 To glorify and enjoy God by building up, strengthening, confirming and equipping in the faith those who are saved. 

2.4 To glorify and enjoy God by earnestly endeavoring to win others to Christ through biblical New Testament evangelism, missions and church planting – bidding sinners, as did our forefathers, to “Come and welcome to Jesus Christ.” 

2.5 To glorify and enjoy God by upholding sound doctrine and holy living.

Ministerial Guides

Our Constitution additionally sets forth Ministerial Guides, which are adaptations to documents originally drafted by representative Puritan pastors and theologians, first published in London, in 1645. These are adapted by Reformed Heritage Church to align with and support our application of biblical doctrines as expressed in our Second London Confession of Faith. Our Constitution states that these resources “shall be utilized as further guides and guardrails for the health and vitality of this Church.”

  • Biblical Foundation

  • Calling a Pastor

  • The Book of Discipline

  • The Directory For The Public Worship of God

  • Suggested Forms For Use in Connections With The Book of Discipline

  • The Recommend Curriculum For Ministerial Preparation in this Church

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