How To Give
In giving financially, we acknowledge that all we have comes from the Lord. (Romans 11:36) Our Lord does not need anything we give back to Him. God owns the cattle on a thousand hills. (Psalm 50:10) Giving to our Lord's kingdom ought to be a response of gratitude, trusting His word that to give is blessed. (Acts 20:35)
All gifts received are processed by the church Treasurer and financial team, and managed fiscally according to the parameters set out in this congregation's Constitution.
You may give directly to Reformed Heritage Church in one of three ways:​
In-Person, in the offering box on the book table. Please make checks payable to Reformed Heritage Church.
By mail, to the church's PO Box, addressed:
Reformed Heritage Church, 7519 E State Highway 86 #569, Franktown, CO, 80116
If you give to Christ's Kingdom through Reformed Heritage Church, you will receive a letter for tax deductions each year confirming the amount you gave.